This article will be a little shock to folks. After you are shocked, the best thing you can use for you and for your family is to prepare him / her and prepare yourself money for hard times and cover any what ifs may likely or might happen.
After doing extensive research on the topic and after being a somewhat-constant visitor many hospitals, medical centers, Nursing Homes along with a rehabilitation and care section, I have come to the conclusion that Nursing Homes are not meant for human beings. The single human beings that most Nursing Homes will benefit are those humans that offer absolutely no family, playmates, co-workers or connections. , plus then, those patients are definitely not helped either but is the ones that are most misused.
These are statements the bottom line about various things to finally, did and will happen listed in Nursing Homes, rehab centers and hospitals and hospitals.
- Nursing Homes and rehab centers while many hospitals will insist which patients wear diapers --even when they will not medically need diapers.
- Nursing Homes and rehab centers will present some patients with contracts/policy continues or enrollment papers which gives the facility practically complete command over all the assets, money an d the real estate of the patient. On the dotted line will give mass permission to a possible facility to investigage inside a patient's entire life, personalized, social, psychiatric, medical and even more circumstances without even billing the patients' permission over again. (They get the signature when the patient enrolls and most time the patient has no clue what enrollment agreement /contract is a bit.
- Nursing Homes and rehabilitate centers, in some and many cases, will try to isolate the children members and co workers and friends from the local relatives, patients so that your family members and friends is definitely not witnesses to the Nursing Home does not and neglects. The really bad Nursing Homes are the type of that want the patient which may be separate from their immediate loved ones even from those family members which were helpful, beneficial and good towards the patient or family member.
- Nursing Homes and rehabilitate centers, once they get your signature on Medicaid or maybe the Medicare applications, and as they get your application each of processed will ignore your requests to discover home, to visit from the Nursing Homes and your requests probably going to be connected with people.
- Rehabilitation and care centers that are bad or going bad is able to keep their public phones -- on the long term floors -- broken or from order most times. They know that is the connection with people, yet the phones often either busy, broken plus both.
- They will let patients sit for a long time in their own pee and excrement, ignoring their pleas for assistance and assistance.
- They can help you patients wait for hours on toilet bowls, having them wait to have help to come off the tank.
- They will medicate patients who're witnesses and medicate regular people who complain about examples.
- They will lie to families consistently and is constantly. There was one case plus told the family member that your patient could walk ninety days feet, yet when a family member went to have fun with the patient, the patient could walk only a few feet at one along with no where near ninety feet. They have lied to other patients about whether patients came out of the bed. For model, a nurse will for instance, yes she had breakfast all that dining room, but the truth is that she had breakfast in bed in her own room, still isolated from the rest of the population in the natural ability.
- They will every time lose patients' clothing, often. There are patients dressed up in other patients' clothing and there are loads of clothing lost for every year.
- They will ignore your asks for help. They will ridicule patients, mimicking them when they would like to do so.
- They will take money from residents so that you can purchase cigarettes and backwards health-harming items for patients might be on oxygen, patients who're sick, and for patients that aren't allowed out of the construction.
- Some will for you to clothing and not gender selection any receipts.
- Some will lose The above mentioned pants and there are some clothing. The method with regards to their madness about them absence the pants, is the water: If the resident has its pairs of pants then an resident can tell the place that he does not want to wear diapering. So, those facilities that are looking to keep residents isolated, will lose the residents pants until the resident cannot leave your dog's room. YOu are not in order to leave your room without pants, of course, which in turn the place consistently drops their pants, the resident becomes more isolated and more overwhelmed.
How can you protect you and your family?
- Put everything on paper. Yes, write all tends to make. This way no one can say that you said this or said that. Keep documented records of everything that happened or did or will occur.
These are just figuring out how that these facilities are harming people. I will write more articles tends to make topic, at a future date,
I created this can it May 20, 2007.
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