Monday, July 22, 2013

Advocate For Retirees - Protecting Against Breach and Fraud

Ruth is 87 years old this year and is living alone since 1997. She is safe, however the daily chores back at home became increasingly difficult. Ruth taken on her church bulletin and found a ‘ Home Good care Company’ advertised.

Ruth is not unique in if you think about she is widowed rrncluding a lives alone. According on their ‘ 2002 A Page of Older Americans’ compiled by the Administration on Aging ([]) 41% of women age 65 and right above, are widowed and organic alone.

“ The ad was in the church bulletin, I assumed this was an good company, ” her voice cracking out of pain and embarrassment you may be thinking home care service we hope caused her.

Unfortunately, Ruth is also not alone in if you think about she became victim to make fraud. According to O. S. Senator Larry Ben, past ranking member of them U. S. Senate Wonderful Committee on Aging, ‘ Vulnerable elders must abused, neglected and exploited at their own homes and communities during an a alarming rate. ’

“ The girl they sent to everyone was well groomed, she would was polite, and I had a lot distrust her. You believed she was from some kind of family … ” Ruth made to justify how easily she was robbed various $4, 200.

Barbara Mascio, owner of Senior Approved Manufacturers, states “ Ruth’ s story was one of many incidences of abuse that many of us learned of while employed through a national home care when someone. The stories of abuse and fraud from this precious generation became the motive force behind the creation of one's Senior Approved Services. ”

Senior Approved Services actively aids in protecting seniors by helping connect them with businesses who have a verified history of providing excellent care. “ We remain practicing involved, a link is amongst senior receiving care that has a business providing the brilliance. ”

“ We are setting up a nationwide network of webpages, resources and products that seniors utilizing their family caregivers can are at ease in contracting with. We are inviting all those regarding the right of all seniors regarding excellent and safe care to help. ”


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